1900監測器采用簡單、高性價比的方式對選定的機器或監測點進行機械保護。 它們在設計上作為獨立裝置工作,或與我們的Trendmaster ? Pro在線狀態監測系統協同工作。
這些自我配套齊全的監測器在設計上可以應對需要連續機械保護的重要資產設備和輔機設備,但是無法保證像3500系列這樣更大、更復雜基于機框的監測系統的成本。 1900監測器采用簡單、高性價比的方式對選定的機器或監測點進行機械保護。 它們在設計上作為獨立裝置工作,或與我們的Trendmaster ? Pro在線狀態監測系統協同工作。
1900/65A 系列監測儀表設計用于為基本型和非關鍵(BOP)設備提供低成本的獨立應用、多通道的監測功能,這些資產需要連續的機械保護,但是采用諸如 3500 系統的用于關鍵渦輪機械的大型、復雜的監測系統又無法保證得到滿意的投資回報率。1900/65A還增加了對RTD類型溫度傳感器的支持,通過232或485接口實現經濟的在線安裝,機件走動倍增功能減少了不必要的機件走動情況,并且擁有靈活的動態通道,可輕松組態通道的速度和振動位置等參數。
1900/65A General Purpose Equipment Monitor
The 1900/65A General Purpose Equipment Monitor is designed to continuously monitor and protect equipment that is used in a variety of applications and industries. The monitor’s low cost makes it an ideal solution for general-purpose machines and processes that can benefit from continuous monitoring and protection.
The 1900/65A provides four transducer inputs and four temperature inputs. Software can configure each transducer input to support 2- and 3-wire accelerometers, velocity sensors or proximity sensors. Each temperature input supports Type E, J, K, and T thermocouples, and 2- or 3-wire RTDs.
The 1900/65A provides six relay outputs, four 4-20 mA recorder outputs, and a dedicated buffered output. The user can use the 1900 Configuration software to configure the relay contacts to open or close according to the OK, Alert and Danger statuses of any channel or combination of channels, and to provide data from any variable from any channel on any recorder output. The dedicated buffer output can provide the signal for each transducer input.
A Modbus? Gateway option allows the monitor to provide static variables, statuses, event list, time and date information directly to any Modbus client, including Distributed Control Systems (DCSs), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), or System 1? software. The monitor uses an internal counter and a Modbus client/master time reference to generate time and date information. Users can upgrade monitors without the Modbus Gateway by ordering the 1900/01 Communications Upgrade (see the Ordering Information section). The 1900/65A supports Modbus communications via Ethernet and a software-configurable RS232/485 serial port.
The user defines monitor operation and the Modbus Gateway register map by using software running on a laptop or PC to create a configuration file and download the file to the monitor through the built-in Ethernet connection. The 1900/65A permanently stores configuration information in non-volatile memory, and can upload this information to the PC for changes.
Display Module
The 1900/65A supports an optional display/keypad to view channel information or make minor configuration changes. This allows the 1900/65A to operate as a stand-alone package. If desired, the user can mount the display up to 75 metres (250 feet) from the Monitor Module